O’ Prophet-SW! It does not suit you-SW to say that you-SW will do a particular thing tomorrow without saying Insha-Allah with it. The Holy Prophet-SW is the fountainhead of guidance. Seeing his-SW miracles people might start to believe that he-SW could accomplish everything. Therefore, he-SW is being advised never to say that he-SW would do something, without adding Insha-Allah.
When the three questions were put to the Holy Prophet-SW, he-SW said that he-SW would give the answers the next day, but he-SW did not add the words Insha-Allah. After this, nothing was revealed for about fifteen days. The Holy Prophet-SW was dejected as the non believers ridiculed him. He-SW was, however, comforted upon the revelation of this Ayah wherein a code of conduct was laid down for the future. To say Insha-Allah is a commendable act for all Muslims in general. And if by chance the Holy Prophet-SW forgets to say Insha-Allah where he-SW must, he-SW should say it as soon as he remembers, for it befits his-SW status.
The Holy Prophet-SW should tell them that they may find the story of the Men of Cave incredible, but he-SW has been informed about matters much more extraordinary and important, which he-SW has already conveyed to them. The creation of Prophet Aadam-AS and of the 'Arsh, the heavens and the angels before him-AS, matters pertaining to life and death, and above all, the Supreme Being and His-SWT Attributes far outweigh as evidence this story of the Men of Cave, and are much clearer signs for the guidance of mankind.
They argue about the duration of the stay in the cave. Sincc the long span of this stay highlights its importance as a miracle and a supernatural event, the Holy Prophet-SW can tell them exactly that the Men of Cave rested in a state of slumber for three hundred and nine years. During this period not only their bodies and garments remained preserved but they also remained alive without eating or drinking. They just slept on. Yet if the non believers do not believe this recounting it does not matter. However, they must be told that it is Allaah-SWT Alone Who knows the exact duration of their stay and it is He Who is giving this information.
So exalted is He-SWT that all the hidden secrets of the heavens and the earth lie bare before Him-SWT . He-SWT is Vigilant and all-Hearing. If they do not believe in the facts told by the Holy Prophet-SW, they would not find any helper against Allaah-SWT . They too depend entirely on Him-SWT for any form of help and none can dare interfere in His-SWT Administration and His-SWT Commandments. The non believers used to fabricate events measuring His-SWT Powers by their own standards, just as today people come up with all sorts of fabrications to refute Karamah and miracles. The fact is that Karamah and miracles are extraordinary events and must not be judged by the normal standards.
‘O Prophet-SW! Your-SW assignment is to convey to the people the revelations you-SW receive from Allaah-SWT : you-SW are not responsible for making them believe. Your-SW duty is fulfilled when you convey the Message. The revelation of the Book is a job of His-SWT Gracious Providence. His-SWT Message is indeed a treasure for human grooming. Therefore, no alteration in it is possible on demand of the affluent chieftains of the infidels. Nor should you-SW worry that if they fail to embrace Islam it will impede its propagation. You-SW should simply convey Allah-SWT's Message as anyone who will slack in His-SWT obedience or tends to obey others than Him-SWT will find no refuge against His-SWT Grip. It is only Allaah-SWT who provides refuge to everyone’. Hence the demand put forth by the polytheists of Makkah that the Holy Prophet-SW should make the destitute Companions-RAU leave his audience for their sake is certainly not worthy of attention.
Company Of The Holy Prophet-SW
Rather the Holy Prophet-SW must particularize his companionship for those who remember Allaah-SWT constantly in pursuit of His-SWT Pleasure and Nearness, and are not heedless of His-SWT Zikr even for a moment.
Perpetual Zikr
Scholars have also interpreted it as persistence in worship. While this is also correct, yet the real meaning is Zikr-e-Qalbi, which if attained does not brook even a moment of negligence. After this Ayah was revealed and the Holy Prophet-SW came out of his chamber he noticed some Companions-RAU engaged in Zikr. He-SW also sat with them, recited this Ayah and said: 'Thanks to Allaah-SWT Who-SWT has also provided me the people with whom He-SWT has commanded me to associate. Besides, in the very next sentence a comparison is drawn between them and the heedless. The Holy Prophet-SW is commanded that the latter must be given no importance bccause Allaah-SWT has rendered their Qulub heedless of His-SWT Zikr. Whereas the Hadith highlights the superiority of Zikr-e-Qalbi over Zikr-e-Lisani, the Quran declares that because of the Barakah of the Holy Prophet-SW company not only the Qulub of the Companions-RAU remembered Allaah-SWT constantly but also each and every cell of their bodies practised Zikr (39:22). In fact, there are varying levels of Zikr.
Levels Of Zikr
Accepting Islam is also Zikr provided it is from the core of heart. This is the first and the minimum level. The second level is the capacity to act according to the Sunnah, which turns each and every action into Zikr. The third level is of verbally praising Allaah-SWT (Tasbih), which is termed as Zikr-e-Lisani. The fourth and the most perfect level is when the Qalb is blessed with perpetual Zikr. This level can be attained only in the company of an accomplished Shaikh through the process of mirroring. There is no other way of acquiring it. Moreover each level of Zikr attracts the proportionate degree of Holy Prophet-SW’s attention and company.
While dispensing this blessing, the Holy Prophet-SW must never make wealth and power the criterion, expecting that the conversion of the rich and privileged to Islam would strengthen it. Certainly such people are not worthy of his attention. Rather his affectionate attention must be reserved only for those who enlighten their Qulub with his-SW Barakah and remember Allaah-SWT constantly. Therefore, those whose Qulub He has rendered heedless of His-SWT Zikr because of their disobedience and denial ought to be completely ignored.
Negligence Of Qalb Enslaves A Person To Desires
And when the Qalb dies of negligence, a human being is stripped of his honour of being human and becomes subservient to desires just like animals. So the Holy Prophet-SW must give no importance to such people, Rather he-SW must make it very clear that Din and the Prophetic Barakah are in reality a Divine Favour unto mankind. Every individual is free to choose the path of honour or be steered by his vain desires. But it must be remembered that Allaah-SWT has prepared a mighty inferno in Hell for the latter course. It is a Fire bounded by walls also made of fire. When those condemned to it would ask for a drink they will be offered a disgusting puss-like liquid hotter than fire itself, which would scorch their faces as soon as they will bring it near their lips. It will indeed be a tormenting and extremely afflictive abode.
Compared to this, all those who accepted the faith and adorned their lives with noble deeds and obedience will be rewarded manifold. For them await ever green gardens, under which flow rivers so that the gardens may bloom forever. The obedient servants of Allaah-SWT will be duly honoured. They will all be dressed in the finest of green clothes, adorning gold armlets and will rest on the finest silk cushions laid on the most elegant seals. It would indeed be a gracious requital and also a truly honourable abode. It must be remembered that the dress, the ornaments and the decorum mentioned above all pertain to Akhirah. It is not proper to measure or evaluate them with a worldly yardstick and argue that silk and gold are not permissible for men.